Management Work Packages and Objectives

Work Packages 5 -8 concern the organisation and running of the project.  For details for Work Packages 1-4, see the Research pages.

Work Package 5: Network training events

The members of WP5 will organise a series of training events for all the MEDOW fellows, and researchers from outside the project when appropriate.  These will take place approximately every six months to coincide with the bi-annual MEDOW event.

Network training activities are expected to include workshops, lectures, a summer school, industrial days and complementary skills training sessions.

Work Package 6: Training of individual ESR/ER

This WP will focus on training of individual fellows.  All MEDOW fellows will create a Personal Career Development Plan with their supervisor(s).  This document aims to establish clear targets for the period that a fellow is employed in the MEDOW project and beyond.

Individual training will include the secondment period(s) that all MEDOW fellows will spend at one or more of the other partner institutions.

Work Package 7: Dissemination and outreach activities

The members of WP7 will oversee the dissemination of the project’s research results through appropriate channels such as publications, conference presentations and intellectual properties.

The work of the project will also be disseminated in a more informal way, through our outreach activities.

Work Package 8: Network management

This Work Package is led by Cardiff University and concerns the general management of the MEDOW project.  This includes organising the bi-annual network meetings and training events, maintaining the project website, monitoring the project budget and submitting reports to the European Commission.