Work Packages

WP1: Connection of offshore wind power to DC grids

This research package will investigate various topologies of DC grids for connecting large offshore wind farms, and analyse system operating points under different wind farm power generation and different operation conditions.

Novel research will be the impact of DC grids on wind farm configuration.  The potential for removing the full power converters of wind turbines with the control of the voltage source converters of DC grids will be investigated.

Work package leader:
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

WP2: Investigation of voltage source converters for DC grids

This work package will investigate various converter configurations used in the same DC grid so as to identify the interaction of various converters and grid configurations and to remove obstacles for different converters used in the same DC grid.

The expertise from industry on HVDC and voltage source converter control will contribute to the development of effective test platforms.

Work package leader:
Cardiff University

WP3: Relaying protection

This work package will aim to identify the specifications of DC circuit breakers, including breaking current and fault clearance time, which are required to isolate DC faults and avoid collapse of DC grids.

Novel ideas which combine power electronic DC circuit breakers and fast electro-magnetic isolators will be tested and protection algorithms using wavelet analysis, digital signal processing and measurement technologies will be developed so as to be able to determine the location of faults quickly enough to prevent over current.

Work package leader:
Universidade do Porto

WP4: Interactive AC/DC grids

This research package will investigate the interaction between AC and DC grids so as to determine operation requirements (grid codes) for DC and AC grids and to be able to present recommendations for interconnection strategy.

It will investigate the contribution of DC grids to the electricity market with a view to contributing to reducing the barriers to a single European internal electricity market through the DC grid.

Key to reaching these objectives will be the development of specialised platforms and tools to carry out power flow and stability analysis for both DC and AC grids.

Work package leader:
KU Leuven

MEDOW’s private sector partners play an important role within each work package as they will help identify directions for research, contribute significant know-how and expertise and promote knowledge transfer and dissemination and application of the research results.