Jorge is Portuguese and is based at Cardiff University. He has BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. During his MSc studies, he did an internship at the Power Systems Unit of INESC TEC which formed the basis of his dissertation entitled “Performance of AC Power System Protection in the Proximity of HVDC Connections”.
During his MSc studies he also worked as a Teaching Assistant on a ‘High Voltage Techniques’ module for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering.
Jorge’s research interests include electric power systems, HVDC transmission systems, interactions between AC and DC grids, FACTS, renewable energy integration, offshore wind energy, power system stability, power system protection and power system control. He therefore feels that the MEDOW project is a great way for him to build upon his existing experience as part of a network of both academic and industrial partners which have a shared ability to create knowledge and turn it into engineering solutions for the market.
Jorge hopes that his work in the MEDOW project will allow him to translate complex knowledge into something accessible, systematic, understandable and, of course, useful! He hopes to further his understanding of HVDC transmission systems (converter topologies) and to contribute to a shared scientific and technical knowledge for the construction, development and maintenance of future multi-terminal HVDC grids.
Since future multi-terminal HVDC grids are expected to be composed of several types of converters, have different topologies and be made by different manufacturers, Jorge’s MEDOW project aims to develop an in-depth understanding of the possible advantages and limitations of such a system and of how each type of converter topology will affect a multi-terminal grid. This will contribute to the identification of possible limitations and advantages that may arise, both in steady state and under short circuit conditions, from a multi-terminal HVDC grid consisting of several types of converter topologies from different manufacturers. Additionally, he intends to optimize converter parameters and topologies in order to maximize the possible benefits that each topology may offer to the whole HVDC grid.
In his spare time, Jorge enjoys jogging, cycling, reading, movies and laughing.