Robert is working at KU Leuven with Professor Dirk Van Hertem. Originally from Germany, Robert had already been working at the ELECTA research division in the department of Electrical Engineering at KU Leuven for several months as a researcher and teaching assistant before starting work as a MEDOW Early Stage Researcher.
Robert has a MSc in Power and Energy (Renewable Energy) from Otto-von-Guericke-University (Magdeburg, Germany), where he also worked as a Student Research Assistant, and is a part of the Cigré work group B4-56 “Guidelines for the preparation of “connection agreements” or “Grid Codes” for multi-terminal DC schemes and HVDC grids” since October 2012.
He is an active member of IEEE Student Branch in Leuven and having been chairperson of the IEEE Student Branch in Otto-von-Guericke-University during his MSc studies.
Robert’s MEDOW project will focus on the behaviour of combined AC and DC grids with a high participation of renewable energy, the technical limitations of integrating large amounts of wind power into the grid and the benefits of controllable devices such as HVDC.