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Inclusivity and the Cardiff University Inclusive Education Framework

Welcome to the main page for Inclusivity.

Inclusivity in this Toolkit

Inclusivity Tip

Keep an eye out for our ‘Inclusivity call outs’ elsewhere in the toolkit which give you practical tips to make your practice more inclusive. This is how the tip will look!

Design of Inclusivity Pages

All of the Inclusivity pages are designed following the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). You will find a combination of text, video and images, along with some points for reflection, practical examples and case studies.

You can choose to read the text or access an audio recording of the same material. The recordings are at the bottom of each page. Alternatively you could use the Microsoft Immersive Reader, which has the ability to set preferences or use the 'read aloud' function.

You can also attend a workshop on the topic: to find out more see the CPD box at the bottom of this page.

What is Inclusive Education?

Cardiff University recognises Hockings’ (2010, p1) definition of inclusive education which ‘refers to the ways in which pedagogy, curricula and assessment are designed and delivered to engage students in learning that is meaningful, relevant and accessible to all. It embraces a view of the individual and individual difference as the source of diversity that can enrich the lives and learning of others.’

Inclusive Education is a dynamic process requiring institution-wide commitment to a systematic transformation of the culture, processes and practices of the university, overcome barriers to the presence, participation, achievement and experience of all students, and to account for and celebrate the rich diversity of the learning community.

To find out about our inclusive education framework visit Introduction to Inclusive Education page.

Map of Topics

Below is a map of the toolkit and workshop topics, to aid your navigation. These will be developed and added to in future iterations of this toolkit: 


Where next?

You can now go on to develop your understanding of Inclusive Education by accessing the related pages on specific topics, outlined in the map below, which relate to the Inclusive Education Framework. After accessing this page, we recommend you move to the Introduction to Inclusive Education page. 


You can also develop your understanding of Inclusive Education by attending workshop sessions that relate to each topic. These workshops can be taken in a live face-to-face session, if you prefer social interactive learning with your peers, or can be completed asynchronously in your own time, if preferred. You can find out more information on workshops, and the link to book here: CPD workshops inclusion section 

Bespoke School Provision 

We offer bespoke sessions  for Schools on Inclusive Education, through the Education Development service. This can be useful to address specific local concerns, to upskill whole teams, or to support the programme approval and revalidation process. Please contact your School’s Education Development Team contact for more information. 

Key Reading for this page

Hockings, C. 2010. Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: A Synthesis of Research. York: Higher Education Academy. Available Online.

You’re on page 1 of 8 Inclusivity theme pages. Explore the others here:

2. Introduction to Inclusive Education

3. Fostering a sense of belonging for all students

4. Empowering students to fulfil their potential

5. Developing Inclusive Mindsets

6. Universal Design for Learning 

7. Digital Accessibility

8. Disability and Dyslexia

9. International Students

Or how about another theme?




Hockings, C. 2010. Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: A Synthesis of Research. York: Higher Education Academy. Available Online

Stentiford, L. and Koutsouris, G. 2021. What are inclusive pedagogies in higher education? A systematic scoping review, Studies in Higher Education, 46:11, 2245-2261 Available online [link: ]