
Our top picks for teaching IL online

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As we start preparing our online information literacy teaching this Autumn, we are all looking to make the most of the learning resources which are already available.

So, here are our top picks from the Information Literacy Resource Bank’s collection of bilingual active learning resources. These are all reusable, so you can either link straight to them or use the downloadable files to adapt the content to suit your teaching.

Searching beyond your reading list using journal databases is an introduction to planning and running a literature search using bibliographic databases.

Choosing quality sources for your academic work develops techniques in recognising fake news and evaluating the suitability of information sources for academic work.

Critical appraisal is an interactive tutorial which teaches students how to think critically about research and research methodology. Students are encouraged to think about different types of bias, study design and use critical appraisal checklists. This tutorial is particularly helpful for those studying healthcare subjects.

Avoiding plagiarism: Citing and referencing defines plagiarism, collusion, citing and referencing and explains how to correctly use other’s research in academic work. The tutorial links to our citing and referencing guides for a wide range of styles.

Our plagiarism and referencing quizzes and activities are also a popular way to enable students to practise. These include the Citing & Referencing quiz, the Is it plagiarism? quiz, and the Avoiding plagiarism exercise. The ILRB also includes quizzes and activities on specific referencing styles.

Endnote tutorials – a series of tutorials which guide students through the key features of the software. By the end of the tutorials, students will be able to use EndNote to manage information and add references to their work.

We hope this gives you a useful insight into what’s available to reuse in the ILRB under our Creative Commons Licence. You are welcome to use them, but just ask that you acknowledge us somewhere on your resource.