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Return visits 11-13 June 2014

20 June 2014

We had a very exciting and busy week last week, hosting return visits by pupils from Mountain Ash Comprehensive, Blaengwawr High and Cathays High. In a packed schedule they had tours of the department’s archaeology and conservation labs, of the special historic book collection SCOLAR, and interactive Medieval, Roman and Nineteenth Century sessions, as well as academic roadshows. In addition, each school also got a fantastic interactive talk from a different member of the faculty: our great thanks to Drs. Kate Gilliver, Jenny Benham and Muhammad Mansour Ali who lectured on decimation in the Roman army, Medieval outlawry and Qur’anic studies.

Thanks also to Chris Parry, Anna Field, Maria Healy and Luca Hoare for your fantastic help assisting with sessions and leading groups of school children around. A special well done for not losing any of them!

Postgraduate coordinator Melissa Julian-Jones has a great write up, concentrating on her development of the Medieval session. She has some great images of stuff produced by the visiting school pupils and information about a great game that you can play at home or with your friends (or frenemies) based on a genuine Medieval game.

I’ll get some more images up as soon as some permissions are sorted out. We have just one more return visit, with pupils from Fitzalan High School, next month to round out a fantastic year. Our side jobs (the project is run entirely by students at Cardiff University with fulltime work to be getting on with) won’t end there though as you can see us getting involved with various public and schools engagement projects throughout the summer. Information on these will be posted nearer the time.


  1. David Colwill

    EDIT: I’ve added in some twitter chatter to the post. The team were all excited about the return visits as you can see…

  2. David Colwill

    EDIT: I’ve added in some twitter chatter to the post. The team were all excited about the return visits as you can see…

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