Welcome to XPS Analysis at Cardiff
We are pleased to introduce our X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) surface analysis facility located within the Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI)
New Addition (March 2016): We are proud to announce we are the first users in the UK to employ the new “SnapMap” imaging mode on our K-alpha+ Instrument – See Imaging XPS for more information!

The center was established within the Wolfson Nanoscience Laboratory within the research school in 2006 as part of a major refurbishment. The aim of the center is to provide a high quality, affordable analytical service for universities, individuals and industry .
The success and quality of the service is illustrated by our past provision of the EPSRC X-ray photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) service for the academic community through the “Access to Research Equipment Initiative” (EP/F019823/1). Examples of the work obtained from the service can be found in the “Access Papers” link.
Further information on application areas and what we can offer those interested in XPS analysis can be found under the Services and Industry menus.