Hayder is a PhD student, who concerns the water resources in Iraqi cities under the climate change scenarios. The study uses MODFLOW software to investigate the groundwater resource by taking account for the impacts of changes of demand and climate. Studying the management of the groundwater source available in Al-Najaf city, southern part of Iraq by using the 3D analysis to find the best usage of this source without affecting the surface water which is available in Euphrates river that passes through the eastern part of this city to finally keeping the river water level far away from the effect of well extractions. VISUAL MODFLOW program is considered by the modeler to be the software which will use to analyze the proposed study area (Al-Najaf City).
Problems lead to consider this study are:
- At the national level, both of Syria and Turkey have been building dams on the two rivers, and this leads to the decrease of the running water in these rivers which are passing through this city. This could be worsen in the future when the water resources become more demanding.
- Iraq is characterizing by high temperatures in summer which rises sometimes to 60o and this increases the evaporation rates from these rivers, and low rainfall in winter, both of these points lead to increasing the effect of water decline in these rivers.
- The increasing of demand for water because of the population growth represents an extra problem nowadays.
- At the local level, residents in Al-Najaf city are suffering from scarcity of water for domestic use and drinking and from the constant interruptions due to the acute shortage of water availability. Interruptions dramatically happen in the summer due to high temperatures, which are causing a rise in the needing for water, which in turn causes a deficit in its availability.
- In addition, people who live away from the centre of the city often suffer from lack of access to water because of water scarcity.
- Because of Al-Najaf city represents the bigger holy city, the high number of visitors need for services and the most important one of these services is the availability of water for different purposes.