Paid summer work opportunity for SHARE students
1 June 2015
Rhian Phillips at the Glamorgan Archives is looking to recruit some temporary staff to work in their searchroom and with their collections as Relief Records Assistants:
We have a few staff on maternity leave at the moment. We aren’t able to backfill their posts, but we have been left with a small pot of money which we can use to recruit some staff temporarily.
I was wondering if you know of any students who might be looking for work over the summer? The wage is £7.88 ph. It would be good experience of working in a heritage organisation. And although it would only be short term work, we could keep them on our books with potential then for further part time work in future.
This would be a great opportunity for any of our volunteers looking to get some paid work experience, especially for those of you interested in archives, librarianship, or in continuing and improving your research skills.
If you are a SHARE student interested in this position please get in touch by email and we’ll pass your details on.