Manuela is Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology, Strategic Group Lead of the Social, Environmental, and Organizational Psychology group at Exeter, University of Exeter.
Tel: +44 (0)139 2722 674
Research Interests:
Prejudice and discrimination, particularly in work contexts: uncovering different types and different effects; the use and effects of strategies to cope with discrimination; sexual and non-sexual harassment; the effects of identity concealment; the link between intergroup and interpersonal relationships; morality and leadership.
Relevant Publications:
Jehn, K. A., Wit, F., Barreto, M., & Rink, F. (in press). Conflict Asymmetries: Effects on Expectations and Performance. International Journal of Conflict Management.
Newheiser, A.K., & Barreto, M. (in press). Hidden costs of hiding stigma: Ironic interpersonal consequences of concealing a stigmatized identity in social interactions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Ellemers, N., Pagliaro, S., & Barreto. (in press). Morality and behavioural regulation in groups: A social identity approach. European Review of Social Psychology.
Cihangir, S., Scheepers, D., Barreto, M., & Ellemers, N. (2013). Fight or contest gender-based rejection: Responses to negative vs. positive inter-group differentiation. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 4, 151-158.
Pagliaro, S., Ellemers, N., & Barreto, M. (2011). Sharing moral values: Anticipated ingroup respect as a determinant of adherence to morality-based (but not competence-based) group norms. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 1117-1129.
Stroebe, K., Dovidio, J., Barreto, M., Ellemers, N., & John, M. S. (2011). Is the world a just place? Countering the negative consequences of pervasive discrimination by affirming the world as just. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 484-500.
Ellemers, N., Kingma, L., Van den Burgt, J., & Barreto, M. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility as a source of organizational morality, employee commitment and satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Moral Psychology, 1, 97-124.
Representative Funding:
• Loneliness in a Digital Age (Co-I), ESRC (2014).
• Understanding how social identities shape empathy and failures to empathize (PI), Dstl (2013).
• Facial disfigurement in the first world war (1914FACE2014; Co-I), EC (INTERREG) (2013).
• The moral foundations of activism (Co-I), EC (2013).
• Gender stereotypes and careers (PI), Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (2010).
• The social costs of discrimination claims (PI), Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (2010).
• Coping with implicit prejudice (PI), Dutch Foundation for Scientific Research (2001).
Links to other websites:
Personal website:
School of Psychology website:
Social, Environmental, and Organizational Psychology group:
Exeter Humanities and Social Sciences strategy:
Google scholar: