Jonathan Houdmont

Jonathan is a Lecturer in Occupational Health Psychology, University of Nottingham.

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Research Interests:

Jonathan’s research, consultancy, and PhD supervision is focused on four strands of activity:

Relations between the psychosocial work environment, health, and operational effectiveness, with a particular focus on high-stress occupational groups. This currently finds expression in research located in the policing context.


Houdmont, J. (2013). UK police custody officers’ psychosocial hazard exposures and burnout. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 36, 3, 620-635.

Houdmont, J., Kerr, R., & Randall, R. (2012). Organisational psychosocial hazard exposures in UK policing: Management Standards Indicator Tool reference values. Policing: An international journal of police strategies and management, 35, 182-197.

Houdmont, J., Kerr, R., & Addley, K. (2012). Psychosocial factors and economic recession: The Stormont Study. Occupational Medicine, 62, 98-104.

Houdmont, J., Zhou, J., & Hassard, J. (2011). Overtime and psychological wellbeing among Chinese office workers. Occupational Medicine, 61, 270-273.

Bevan, A., Houdmont, J., & Menear, N. (2010). The Management Standards Indicator Tool and the estimation of risk. Occupational Medicine, 60, 525-531

The definition and measurement of work-related stress. This research concerns the development of an evidence base to support the HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool and single-item measures of work-related stress.

Houdmont, J., Randall, R., Kerr, R., & Addley, K. (2013). Criterion-related concurrent validity of the brief version of the Management Standards Indicator Tool. Work & Stress, 27.

Houdmont, J., Cox, T., & Griffiths, A. (2010). Work-related stress case definitions and prevalence rates in national surveys. Occupational Medicine, 60, 658-661.

Bevan, A., Houdmont, J., & Menear, N. (2010). The Management Standards Indicator Tool and the estimation of risk. Occupational Medicine, 60, 525-531.

Workplace health promotion intervention design and evaluation. This strand of research is currently focused on the application of psychological theories of behavior change to the promotion of sun safety in the construction sector.

Madgwick, P., Houdmont, J., & Randall, R. (2011). Sun safety measures among construction workers in Britain. Occupational Medicine, 61, 430-433.

Munir, F., Clemes, S., Houdmont, J., & Randall, R. (2012). Overweight and obesity in UK firefighters. Occupational Medicine, 62, 362-365.

Occupational health practice. This research is consistent with the ‘mutual research group’ concept that refers to mutually beneficial collaborations between individuals who possess access to organisational data sets and those who hold academic writing and research design expertise. The research is centred on the production of practitioner-orientated publications that share the lessons of practitioner-led, organisationally-embedded empirical investigations.

Coomer, K., & Houdmont, J. (2013).

Occupational health professionals’ knowledge, understanding, and use of work ability. Occupational Medicine, 63, 403-409.

Houdmont, J., Munir, F., & Grey, M. (2013). Acceptance of Repeat Worksite HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing in a Rural South African Factory. AIDS Care, 25, 1199-1202.

Madgwick, P., Houdmont, J., & Randall, R. (2011). Sun safety measures among construction workers in Britain. Occupational Medicine, 61, 430-433.

 Recent Research Grants:

Stress-related working conditions, burnout, and performance among police custody officers.

Sergeants’ Central Committee of the Police Federation of England and Wales. 2012-2014. Jonathan Houdmont & Raymond Randall.

2013 Psychosocial risk assessment: West Midlands Police.

West Midlands Police Federation. 2013

Police officers’ work-related stress: Partners’ views on implications for wellbeing and home life.

West Midlands Police Federation. 2013

2012 Psychosocial risk assessment: West Midlands Police.

West Midlands Police Federation. 2012

Job demands and job resources as predictors of CID and PPU police officers’ sickness absence and burnout.

West Midlands Police Federation. 2012

Evaluation of a sun safety intervention for the UK construction sector. Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. 2011-2014. Jonathan Houdmont and Paul Madgwick

Development of a sun safety intervention for the UK construction sector. Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. 2011. Paul Madgwick and Jonathan Houdmont

Officers’ stressors and psychological wellbeing in the police custody setting. West Midlands Police Federation. 2011


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