Melanie is a Reader in Economics and an Associate of the Research Network WISERD, Swansea University.
Tel: +44 (0)179 2295 169
Research Interests:
Economics of Disability; Relationship between Work and Health; Labour Market Discrimination.
Relevant Publications:
Jones, M. 2013. Disability and perceptions of Work and Management, forthcoming British Journal of Industrial Relations.
Jones, M, Latreille, P., Sloane P and Staneva, A. 2013. Work-related health risks in Europe: Are older workers more vulnerable?, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 88, p18-29.
Jones, M. and Wass, V. 2013. Understanding changing disability-related employment gaps in Britain 1998-2011 (forthcoming Work, Employment and Society)
Jones, M. and Latreille, P. 2011. Disability and Self-Employment: Evidence from the UK LFS, Applied Economics, Vol. 43(27), p.4161-4178.
Jones, M. and Sloane, P. 2010. Disability and Skill Mismatch, Economic Record, Vol. 86, p101-114.
M. Jones, 2010. Disability, Education and Training, Economic and Labour Market Review (ONS), Vol. 4(4), p32-37.
M. Jones and Latreille, P. 2010. Disability and earnings: Are firm characteristics important?, Economics Letters, Vol. 106(3), p191–194.
M. Jones and J. Jones 2008. The Labour Market impact of the Disability Discrimination Act: Evidence from the Repeal of the Small Firm Exemption, Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 60(3), p289-305.
M. Jones 2007. Does part-time employment provide a way of accommodating a disability?, The Manchester School, Vol. 75(6), p695-716.
M. Jones, Latreille, P. and Sloane, P. 2006. Disability, Gender and the Labour Market in Wales, Regional Studies, Vol. 40(8), p823-845.
M. Jones, Latreille, P. and Sloane, P. 2006. Disability, Gender and the British labour market, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 58(3), p407-459.
Jones, M. 2006. Is there employment discrimination against the disabled?, Economics Letters, Vol. 92, p32-37.
Research Funding:
· 2012 Welsh Government ‘An Analysis of Subjective Well-Being in Wales: Evidence from the Annual Population Survey’ (with S. Drinkwater, D. Blackaby, P. Murphy, M. Parhi and C. Robinson).
· 2007 EC 7th Framework Programme Health at work – ‘An Inquiry into the Health and Safety at Work’; a European Union Perspective. International collaboration project.
Links to other websites:
Department of Economics website: