Resource title and description | Type |
Pa adroddiad ydw i’n ei ddyfynnu? Profwch ddealltwriaeth o ddyfyniadau OSCOLA gyda'r gweithgaredd byr hwn. | |
Cwis pa un yw’r fformat cyfeirio cwyir? Profwch eich dealltwriaeth o sut i gyfeirio at wahanol fathau o ddeunydd yn Arddull Harvard Prifysgol Caerdydd. | |
Cwis adnabod y ffynhonnell Edrychwch ar y cyfeiriadau wedi’u fformatio ar ddull Harvard Caerdydd a phenderfynu pa fath o ddeunydd sy’n cael ei ddisgrifio ym mhob achos. | |
Ai llên-ladrad yw hwn? Profwch eich gwybodaeth am lên-ladrad â'r cwis hwn. | Quiz |
Arfarnu Beirniadol – Nodi Cynllun Astudiaeth Er mwyn arfarnu ymchwil yn feirniadol, mae angen i fyfyrwyr allu nodi'r math o astudiaeth y maent yn ei gwerthuso. Gall y cwis hwn helpu i brofi dealltwriaeth o'r gwahanol fathau o gynllun astudiaeth. | |
Arfarnu Beirniadol – Nodi Rhagfarn Mae'r cwis byr hwn yn profi dealltwriaeth myfyriwr o'r gwahanol fathau o ragfarn a all effeithio ar ddibynadwyedd ymchwil. | |
Critical Appraisal – Identifying Study Design In order to critically appraise research, students need to be able to identify the study type they are appraising. This quiz can help to test understanding of the different types of study design. | |
Critical appraisal – Identifying biases This short quiz tests a student's understanding of the different types of bias that can affect the reliability of research. | |
Cwis deall cyfosod (gwyddorau cymdeithasol) Cwis a gweithgaredd i helpu myfyrwyr i ddeall beth mae cyfosod yn ei olygu. Mae hefyd yn dangos sut y gall myfyriwr lunio paragraffau sy’n cyfosod ffynonellau wrth wneud eich dadleuon a’ch safbwyntiau eich hun yn glir. | |
Cwis deall cyfosod (Biowyddorau) Cwis a gweithgaredd i helpu myfyrwyr i ddeall beth mae cyfosod yn ei olygu. Mae hefyd yn dangos sut y gall myfyriwr lunio paragraffau sy’n cyfosod ffynonellau wrth wneud eich dadleuon a’ch safbwyntiau eich hun yn glir. | |
Arddull academaidd cwis Cwis deg cwestiwn sy'n asesu dealltwriaeth o'r gwahanol agweddau ar sut i ysgrifennu’n dda yn academaidd. | |
Understanding synthesis quiz (biosciences) A quiz and activity to help students understand what is meant by synthesis. It also demonstrates how a student can form paragraphs that synthesise sources while making their own arguments and opinions clear. | |
Understanding synthesis quiz (social sciences) A quiz and activity to help students understand what is meant by synthesis. It also demonstrates how a student can form paragraphs that synthesise sources while making their own arguments and opinions clear. | |
Academic style quiz A ten question quiz which tests understanding of the different aspects of good academic writing style. | |
Cwis dyfynnu a chyfeirio Profwch eich gwybodaeth am ddyfynnu a chyfeirio gyda’r cwis hwn. | |
Citing and referencing quiz Test knowledge of citing and referencing with this quiz. | |
Is it plagiarism? quiz Test your knowledge of plagiarism with this quiz. | |
Which report do I cite? Test understanding of OSCOLA citations with this short activity. | |
Reference format quiz (Harvard) Test understanding of how to reference different types of material in Cardiff University Harvard style. | |
Identify the source quiz (Harvard) Look at the references formatted in the Cardiff Harvard style and decide which type of material is being described in each case. |