Guest blog by volunteer Rachel Pugh
29 October 2015
Rachel Pugh
My name is Rachel Pugh. I’m a first year History student at Cardiff University. After my degree I’m hoping to progress into a career in education, so when I heard about the ‘SHARE with Schools’ project I thought it would be a great opportunity to gain some experience and meet new people.
I went along to two schools and helped deliver workshops on the First World War and Museums. The tasks included presenting to the class, answering pupils’ questions about the workshop or the artefacts provided and being on hand to assist with the general layout of the day. Both schools I visited were very different, and both groups of pupils really enjoyed each of the workshops. On the whole, pupils from each school were really engaged with the material and content of the workshops which was a good sign. I also took part in a return visit in which the pupils visited Cardiff University for the day, which was very successful.
I felt very prepared to help with the workshops having previously attended training sessions and being provided with notes beforehand. There is a small amount of preparation to do as the main aim of the school visits is to ensure that the pupils enjoy themselves. The visits are also an excellent way for the pupils to learn something new and interesting. One of the best things about helping out with this project was seeing so many of the pupils become inspired to learn more about certain areas of history.
Additionally, I liked the fact that ‘SHARE with Schools’ aims to encourage the pupils to think about going to university; this was a factor which drew me towards helping out with the project as I think that everyone should have an equal chance to go to university should they decide they want to.
Being a part of this project and getting involved with ‘SHARE with Schools’ has been a valuable experience as I have gained a better understanding of the classroom environment and what to expect if I do decide to pursue a career in teaching after university. Furthermore, participating in the workshops has helped my confidence with public speaking and presenting; there is still a great deal of room for improvement but I now feel assured that I can work on this, and am positive for the future. Finally, getting involved with SHARE with School has been an ideal way to meet likeminded people who are studying, or have studied, the same or similar degrees as myself. I had a great time being part of ‘SHARE with Schools’ this year and I am looking forward to helping out with the project next year.