Submissions to Scintilla

Submissions to Scintilla.


The deadline for poetry submissions is 31 July.

Poetry submission protocols:

  • Up to five poems can be submitted per issue.
  • Poems should be laid out on an A4 sized Word document.
  • Poems should be in sized 12 font unless there are particular graphological reasons for using another font size.
  • Each poem should begin on a new A4 page.
  • There is no page limit as such. Scintilla accepts both long and short poems, but the editors may occasionally decide to accept an extract of a longer poem, depending on the circumstances of the poem and the issue.

Please send submissions as a Word.doc attachment to: poetry at vaughanassociation . org

You will need to type the address correctly. It is not available as a link or as a cut and paste address in order to prevent spambots from harvesting it and targeting our system with unwanted mail.




The deadline for prose submissions is 1 September or by special arrangement.

Please send prose submissions electronically on A4 sized Word documents using size 12 font, double spaced.  With minor variations, Scintilla uses the MHRA style guide.

Please send prose submissions to prose at vaughanassociation . org

(Please type the email address correctly. It is not provided as a link or without intentional errors in order to prevent spambots from overwhelming our systems).

Prose and poetry selections are usually made around the early part of December and, occasionally in busy years, in the early part of January. Please wait until this time for notification of those that will be included in the next issue.


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